Customer Happiness Blog

International Day of Happiness: How to Build a Happier Support Team

5 min read

A happy support team should never feel like it’s them against the world (even though your worst outages may make it feel like that at times).

The world will celebrate the seventh annual International Day of Happiness on March 20, 2020.

The International Day of Happiness was started by the United Nations in 2013 with the goal of bringing greater focus and recognition to the importance of happiness and well-being in the lives of people around the world. Talk about a noble goal!

As the world celebrates this great holiday, here’s a question to help you participate: how can you build a happier support team in your organization? How can you promote more happiness and well-being among your support agents?

This is far more than just a thought exercise. Research shows that customer service agents provide better support when they are happy. Happier agents are more productive and more accurate than unhappy agents. This means they’re more likely to deliver a great experience and to keep your customers happy.

In short, if you can build a happier support team, everybody wins.

The challenges

Let’s start by acknowledging that it’s not easy to build a happy support team. Customer support is the type of work where you never know exactly what a day may hold. Support work is filled with challenges, such as:

The influx of customer contacts – phone calls, chats, emails, tweets, and so on – often feels like it will never stop (and it probably won’t). When your team is faced with a constant onslaught of questions and issues from customers – some of whom are inevitably going to be upset or disappointed – how can you keep your team’s happiness a priority?

Show them you care

When your support team is fielding rapid-fire questions and issues all day, it’s easy for them to feel isolated or overwhelmed. If you want a happier support team, you’ll need to find ways to make sure your team knows that you care for them and are supporting them. A few ways to do this include:

Trust your team

Trust begets trust. You hopefully realize how important it is for your team to trust you as their manager. Do you know that it’s equally important for you to demonstrate trust in your team? Research shows that mutual trust between a manager and employee can have a significant impact on employee behaviors and productivity.

Some suggestions of how you can demonstrate your trust in your team include:

Invest in your team

Support work can take a toll on people. Building a happier support team requires finding ways to ensure people can work in ways that are effective and sustainable over the long haul. You need to make sure you aren’t burning your team out; instead, find ways to invest in their growth.

If you’re struggling to make that happen, here are a couple of good places to start:

Support your team

A happy support team should never feel like it’s them against the world (even though your worst outages may make it feel like that at times). Always make it a priority to show your team that you have their backs, such as:


Supporting customers isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be miserable. Taking a few simple steps to build your team in an intentional manner can drive your support team’s happiness through the roof.

As you make changes like those recommended above, you’ll quickly find that happiness is a productivity multiplier. Building a happier support team is one of the necessary ingredients in delivering exceptional customer experience.

Let’s make 2020 the year of happier support teams!

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