Congratulation to FreshBooks team,
who ranked 3rd place in Customer Happiness Awards 2015, receiving the third highest rating average in the world.

2015 was a big year for the FreshBooks support team, as we literally doubled in size! With that kind of growth it’s often hard to stay on top of quality. We set the bar for ourselves pretty high, so having tools like Nicereply is essential to us. It enables us to get a continuous and realtime feedback loop from our customers. That feedback helps us achieve our goal to Execute Extraordinary Experiences Every day for all of our customers and be constantly improving.

Vern Wittal
Manager - Customer Support at FreshBooks

Average score
Number of ratings
11 239

Our best agents

Place Agents name Avg. score
1 Phil Decelis 10.00
2 Colton Downs 9.96
3 Jesse Taylor 9.91
4 Sandy Lai 9.90
5 Steve Bujouves 9.90

What our customers say

“Great customer service as always. Very helpful, courteous and respectful of my business needs.”

“There may be some issues with the tailoring of Freshbooks to my business, but as usual, your support team outdid themselves in customer service. Congrats, ...again!!”

“Your customer support staff is the best. Keith got me through the first steps of setting up an invoice.”

Most used words by our customers
