At Krav Maga Worldwide Mexico the motivating factor is not money but rather the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from doing the job really well. Having won a Nicereply award again is now another motivating factor so we have the commitment and responsibility to continue delivering the best service possible. I have to say it again, Nicereply is the best tool to receive feedback from our customers, In fact we receive more than a feedback and qualification, we receive their thank you message in their own words and nothing compares to this. ¡Thank you to all of our Customers and of course to all the Nicereply Team!

Thelma Tenorio Alducin
Manager,Krav Maga Worldwide México

Best Agents

Our best agents

Place Agents name Avg. score
1. Jair Valero Acosta 9.90
2. Jorge Valero Acosta 9.91
3. Maleni Jiménez Ledesma 10.00
4. Mayra Vélez Álvarez 9.87
5. Jorge Omar Martínez Fuentes 9.79

Customers say

What our customers say

“Como siempre, la atención al cliente es extraordinariamente amable, oportuna y profesional, Saludos. ”

“En gusto la forma en que contestaron mis dudas en el chat en linea y la forma en la que se dirigió y mandándome las ligas de la pagina para ampliar mas la informacion. Gracias.”

“Pronta respuesta con justo la infomración que necesito y excelente atención al cliente.”

Most used

Most used words by our customers
