Demographic Survey Questions: How to Ask Them (+ Examples)

Ryan Robinson Ryan Robinson · 8 min read

Demographic survey questions are an essential part of online questionnaires, review panels, applications, and other forms.

They help the organization that is collecting data better understand the group of people they are working with.

However, since some people find these to be sensitive questions, navigating with care is crucial.

In this article, we will explore demographic survey questions, starting with what they are and when to ask them. To wrap things up, we’ll also discuss some tips for crafting the best demographic questions to get the information you need.

What are demographic survey questions, and why are they important?

Demographic survey questions are queries used to identify characteristics of individuals or groups of people. Typically, these questions aim to categorize people based on different identities, backgrounds, and other criteria.

Generally speaking, demographic surveys aim to better get to know a group of people. This information should be used to better support the group you’re surveying, whether providing assistance with social programs or developing products to meet their needs. Plus, this data helps identify trends, create historical records, and plan for the future.

Demographic survey questions should never be used to discriminate against a person or group. The answers to these surveys are not meant to be weaponized. Discriminating against people because of gender, sexual orientation, race, and other similar demographic qualifiers is immoral and, in some cases, illegal.

When to ask demographic survey questions

You can use demographic survey questions whenever you’re trying to build profiles for a group of people, whether program applicants or prospective buyers, for a marketing campaign.

With that in mind, let’s look at some specific use cases of demographic survey questions.

Developing an ideal customer profile (ICP)

Many companies survey their target audience to build an ideal customer profile (ICP). These demographic questions tend to focus on gender, income, age, employment status, marital status, and level of education. 

With this information, brands can create an ICP to target marketing campaigns. Specific insight like this helps businesses curate their campaigns and craft messaging to reach the ideal buyer more effectively.

Getting to know your current buyers

Businesses can use review panels and online surveys to collect demographic information from their current buyers. This allows them to get to know who is using a product so they can better shape the customer journey.

With this information, businesses can continue to refine their ICPs and develop more effective marketing campaigns. They can also use this insight to shape product development and inform essential business decisions.

School applications

Schools record data on their students’ demographics for several purposes. For starters, it can help determine eligibility for grants geared toward educating and uplifting minority groups.

Plus, by understanding who makes up their student body, schools can better accommodate students from a cultural standpoint. For example, a school with a large Black population may put more funding into programs geared toward empowering Black students. 

Furthermore, access to this information can help administrators create diversity in their faculty that reflects the diversity in their student body.

Scholarship applications

Demographic questions are very important for scholarship applications. Many scholarships are specifically geared toward certain minority groups, and the demographic questions determine eligibility for the scholarship.

Even for scholarships that do not have demographic-related requirements, collecting this information is valuable for creating historical records. It can help identify trends in who is awarded the scholarships to help prevent bias in the future. It can also help donors and grantors determine who tends to apply for scholarships and assess community needs.

Job applications

Many hiring managers ask demographic questions in job applications. This gives them insight into what sort of people their job descriptions attract. 

However, remember that, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, discrimination in hiring is illegal in the United States. Demographic information should never be used to disqualify applicants from a job opportunity. 

Demographic questions on a job application should only be used to ensure no bias in the hiring process.

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4 tips for crafting demographic surveys

Asking demographic survey questions is often very direct. However, there are a few tips you can implement to help gather data more efficiently. Let’s check them out.

1. Keep it neutral

When crafting demographic survey questions, it is essential to ensure clarity, neutrality, and inclusiveness in your language. Use an online paraphraser or readability tool to help rephrase complex or industry-specific wording into more straightforward, universally understandable terms. This will make your survey more approachable to a broader audience.

2. Organize your data

Many tools are available to gather and manage demographic survey data, like CRMs and analytics platforms. A helpful way to make the most of this data is by leveraging Customer Data Platforms (CDPs). These platforms pull information from different sources—like surveys and website activity—and make it easy for teams to access and use. 

With a CDP, marketing, sales, and support teams can quickly act on survey insights, creating personalized campaigns or targeting the right customers. 

For example, insights from a CDP can reveal patterns like customer age ranges or geographic locations, guiding survey creators to tailor questions more effectively. This way, businesses avoid asking irrelevant questions and can focus on collecting data that adds value to their strategies.

3. Provide “Other” and “Prefer Not to Say” options

Demographic questions can sometimes feel like sensitive topics, especially if they touch on race, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. If you are asking these questions, give survey respondents a response option that lets them opt out. 

Offering “Other” and “Prefer Not to Say” responses are essential for those who don’t feel comfortable selecting any other option. If you provide “Other” as an option, consider leaving an open field for respondents to add whatever term best identifies with them.

Furthermore, when people have the choice to opt-out, they are less likely to choose the wrong answer or select a random option purposefully.

This is very important in job applications since requiring applicants to answer demographic questions could violate equal opportunity rights.

4. Optimize data collection

There are so many powerful tools for surveying people. Nicereply and similar platforms allow you to embed surveys into various workflows to get answers to your questions in whatever way works best for you.

However, you can collect demographic information more discretely by leveraging social media customer service software. This allows brands to optimize collecting demographic information through various channels, such as social media polls, direct messages, or comments. 

This software also allows businesses to engage with customers in real time, making it easier to ask targeted demographic survey questions that reveal their audience’s critical characteristics and preferences. 

The analytics features within social media customer service software enable companies to categorize and analyze responses, helping them identify trends and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. With this technology, you enhance customer interactions and support data-driven decision-making, ensuring that brands can effectively connect with their target demographic.

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Demographic survey question examples

Now that you know the ins and outs of conducting demographic surveys, it’s time to review some examples of questions. Here is what you could ask and some common answer choices to provide.

1. What is your gender?

Many surveyors include gender identity as an essential question. This question is so common because it offers a very basic way to categorize a group of people.

For gender identity questions, the most common response options are:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Non-binary
  • Other

Some demographic surveys may also ask for assigned sex at birth, especially if they are related to healthcare. For these questions, the only options are male, female, or an opt-out choice.

2. How old are you?

Age is another popular question on questionnaires since it is a very straightforward way to organize a group of people. This information is particularly important for businesses for marketing and branding since generational nuances are critical to many related efforts. 

Typically, responses for ages are set in ranges that accommodate the possible age groups of your audience. The response options could look like this:

  • Under 20 years old
  • 20 to 35 years old
  • 36 to 50 years old
  • 51 to 65 years old
  • Over 65 years old

If you’re targeting a more specific age group, you can break these options into smaller ranges for a more granular look.

3. What is your employment status?

Another standard question is employment status. This is very straightforward and provides some insight into the respondent’s job situation.

Some standard response options for this sort of question include:

  • Employed (full-time)
  • Employed (part-time)
  • Self-employed
  • Unemployed
  • Student/intern
  • Retired

This question makes sense to include in many questionnaires, but it might not be well-suited for a job application.

4. What is your highest level of education?

Questions about education are also very common on demographic questionnaires, especially regarding job applications. This question is also relevant for marketing purposes.

Some common answer choices for this sort of question include:

  • High school
  • Some college
  • Two-year degree
  • Four-year degree
  • Master’s degree
  • Doctorate

Depending on how granular of a look you want to get, you could make the answers more specific or add options like certificate programs or trade schools.

5. What is your marital status?

Asking about marital status is a common question for surveys that have an interest in a participant’s home or family life. This is a very direct question that most people won’t have an issue answering.

Typical answers to provide for this question include:

  • Single
  • Married
  • Divorced
  • Separated
  • Widowed

Keep in mind that this may be a sensitive question for some people. They may not want to answer this question, so make sure you give them the choice to opt-out.

6. What is your ethnicity?

Ethnicity is another common way to categorize groups of people. Some answer choices for ethnicity include: 

  • African American
  • Native American
  • Pacific Islander
  • Caucasian
  • Hispanic
  • Asian

For this question, it’s a good practice to simply alphabetize the response options so it doesn’t seem like the surveyor is showing a preference. If your survey tech allows it, this is also a great place to let respondents select multiple options since many people are ethnically diverse.

This is another type of question that some people may not be comfortable answering. With that in mind, make sure there’s an option to opt out of answering.

7. Where do you live?

Location is another valuable piece of information that many organizations and businesses want to know about their audiences.  

The answer choices you include depend heavily on the audience you’re surveying. For example, a local audience could be divided into counties or cities. Responses for a nationwide audience could be broken down by state and region.

8. What is your annual household income?

Annual household income is popular in demographic questionnaires. This question is very important for marketing initiatives, as well as programs that offer financial assistance.

Responses to this question are typically broken down into salary ranges, such as:

  • Under $45,000
  • $45,000 to $60,000
  • $60,001 to $75,000
  • $75,001 to $90,000
  • $90,001 to $105,000
  • Over $105,000

Of course, you can adjust these price ranges to whatever suits the purpose of your survey and audience.

9. How many dependents do you have?

Some surveyors ask about the number of dependents the respondent has. This sort of question is valuable for applying for grants or social services. It can be more revealing for those needing assistance than annual household income data since a $100,000 salary goes much further for one person than it does for five people.

Typically, the responses to this question are as simple as none, one, two, three, etc.

10. Miscellaneous questions

Sometimes, surveys require more specific questions to help get to know the audience. Some other common demographic questions include:

  • What is your living status (renter, homeowner, etc.)?
  • What is your voter registration status?
  • What is your sexual orientation? 
  • What is your political affiliation?
  • What religion do you practice?
  • What is your first language?

Remember that some of these questions are sensitive, so it’s essential to be mindful of how you use them. Try only to use them when necessary.

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Final thoughts

Correctly positioning your demographic survey questions can help you gather information more efficiently. As you structure your questions, remember to keep things relevant and be mindful of sensitive topics. Above all, be responsible with the information you gather. 
Looking for a tool to host your demographic surveys? Nicereply has got you covered. Sign up for a free trial to start building your first survey in no time.

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Ryan Robinson Ryan Robinson

Ryan Robinson. I'm a blogger, podcaster and (recovering) side project addict that teaches 500,000 monthly readers how to start a blog and grow a profitable side business at

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